YouTube-Materials Worksheet

Your name

Tiffany B.

Name of Site:

You Tube

Link to Resources:

Source (Author–if available):

Rebecca Newburn

Identify the teaching topic of the materials–be specific. Identify the population of the students (grade, course):

Grade 6

1.05 Develop fluency in the use of factors, multiples, exponential notation, and prime factorization.

1.06 Use exponential, scientific, and calculator notation to write very large and very small numbers.

Give a brief description of how the materials would be used:

After a brief lecture about exponents this video would be showed. Many students have questions as to why any number raised to the 0 power equals 1.


Identify other material that you could use with this material to augment instruction, especially for EC students:

EC students who have not memorized times tables will be provided a chart to help them with multiplication. These students will be shown tricks to calculate the nine times tables using their fingers.

Explain why you would use this material with your students. How will the material help your students learn the topic?

Many students just memorize math facts but don’t truly understand the math in behind the facts. This video will show students why a number to the 0 power equals one. Hopefully this will help students master this fact through a deep understanding and not just rote memorization.

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